For Easter luncheon,
Tatiana Korsakova, a popular lifestyle blogger and entrepreneur with over 1.1M followers in Instagram, wanted to create a stylish luncheon setting for the family and friends. She was inspired by the lily of the valley so we developed the concept around the spring flower.
We introduced Tatiana to Fiona Dreesman, founder of
Fiona Finds, a tableware and home decor luxury brand. Fiona helped her to secure the 12-person porcelain hand-painted crockery tea set with lily of the valley motive. Fiona herself assisted with creating the concept and styling the table. We booked a famous floral designer
Tony Marklew for the flower decor. We aso sourced the intricate bespoke desserts, traditional for Orthodox Easter, and finished the setting with small accessories.
The final result was a stunning tablescape with tender Lily of the valley flowers in ceramic planters with moth, a immaculate tableware with matching floral pattern and selection of mouthwatering desserts and hand-painted Ester eggs for each guest.
Our services: Event Concept | Decor and Styling | Catering